All clinical and environmental specimens that are tested by the Hygienic Laboratory are accessioned and tracked by Client Services.
The Client Services section consists of the support services areas of the laboratory that relate to customer service. The 23 staff members work in the areas of data entry, customer service contact (price quotes, kit orders, results, billing), receptionists, and, in Ankeny, Central Services.
Client Services also includes Central Accessioning, which receives and processes every clinical and environmental sample that arrives at the laboratory; Glassware Wash, which cleans and sterilizes glass equipment; and Media Prep, which prepares the sterile material used to help identify bacteria and viruses.
Many staff members have direct contact with clients either in person, on the phone or through electronic contact such as e-mail.
The Client Services section completed data entry of 100,049 clinical samples and 64,686 environmental samples. Central Accessioning logged 164,735 laboratory tests into the database with verification by the Client Services staff.