Test Description |
Culture to evaluate for suspected fungal disease. This test is for submission of clinical specimens. |
Reflex Test(s) |
Fungus by Culture, Fungus by Identification, Yeast Identification by MALDI-TOF Spectrometry, Fungus Identification by D2 LSU rDNA Fungal Sequencing |
Performed |
Avg. Turnaround Time |
Method |
Coralville, M - F, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m. - noon
28 - 60 business days |
Fungal Culture Microscopy |
Fee |
CPT Code(s) |
Variable. $15.37 - Hair, skin, nails. $18.00 - Blood. $11.67 - Other. |
87101 - hair, skin, nails; 87102 - other; 87103 - blood |
Blood; respiratory (Bronchial brushings, Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL)/washings, Sputum, Other); nails or skin scrapings (annotate scraping source, skin vs. scalp). |
Blood: whole blood specimen, 10-30 mL in green top tube with heparin.
Respiratory: use sterile, leak-proof tube.
Nails or scrapings: use clean container.
Respiratory Specimens: Refrigerate (2-8°C). Other Specimens: Room Temperature; stable for 24 hours. Whole Blood specimen: Room Temperature (preferred); Refrigerated (2-8°C); stable for 7 days. |
No fungus isolated, name of fungal organism identified |
Wrap specimen container in absorbent material and place inside a biohazard bag. Transport respiratory specimens with cold packs and all other specimens at room temperature. Ship to the Coralville location.
Positive cultures are reported as soon as detected; preliminary negative within 3 weeks; final negative within 5 weeks. |
Fungal culture, Dermatophyte culture, Yeast culture |