Test Name
A. flavus, A. niger, A. fumigatus
See Aspergillus Antibody Panel
Acid Fast Bacillus Culture Panel (Mycobacterium tuberculosis Culture Panel)
Mycobacterial culture and microscopy detection. Susceptibility will be performed at no charge if Mycobacterium tuberculosis is identified.
Acid Fast Bacillus Isolate Identification
Microscopic analysis and identification of acid fast isolate.
Arthropod Identification
Microscopic and macroscopic examination to identify parasite (arthropod, insect, tick).
Aspergillus Antibody Panel
Detection of Aspergillus-specific antibodies to determine recent/active infection
Blastomyces Antibody, Immunodiffusion
Detection of Blastomyces-specific antibodies to determine recent/active infection
Blood Lead Screening
Routine testing for lead exposure in pediatric populations. Elevated results confirmed with venous blood sample.
Blood Lead Screening-Venous Sample Follow-up
Blood Lead Screening-Venous Sample Follow-up is a confirmatory test when an initial finger stick sample is ≥ 15 µg/dL.
Blood Smear for Parasites
Microscopic examination of blood smear for identification of blood parasites. Travel history required to assist diagnosis. If no travel history outside the US in the past 12 months, please note any states visited outside of Iowa.
Bordetella pertussis
Nucleic acid amplification by PCR to detect Bordetella pertussis DNA
Brucella IgG and IgM Antibodies
Detection of Brucella IgG and IgM antibodies to determine active and/or past infection
Campylobacter Confirmation Culture
Bacterial culture and identification of Campylobacter species
Candida auris PCR (Fee-for-Service)
Determine Candida auris carrier status of affected individual.
Candida, cryptococcus
See Yeast Isolate Identification
Carbapenem Resistant or Carbapenemase Producing Isolate Panel
Phenotypic screen of suspected isolates for Carbapenemase production. Identification of unknown bacterial isolate.
Carbapenemase-producing organism (CPO) Colonization Screening
Determine carrier status of affected individual. State of Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) approval required for submission.
Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Nucleic acid amplification by TMA to detect Chlamydia trachomatis and/or Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA.
Chlamydia pneumoniae PCR
Nucleic acid amplification by PCR to detect Chlamydia pneumoniae DNA
Coccidioides Antibody, Immunodiffusion
Detection of Coccidioides specific antibodies to determine recent/active infection
2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Diagnostic Test
Nucleic acid amplification by Real-Time PCR or Hologic Aptima SARS-CoV-2 assay (TMA) to detect 2019 Novel Coronavirus RNA
COVID-19 IgG Antibody
Detection of IgG antibodies against SARS-CoV-2
Cryptococcus Antigen
Quantitative detection of antigens of Cryptococcus neoformans in patient serum or Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
Cryptosporidium stain
See Ova and Parasites (O&P) Exam Panel
Cryptosporidium stain, Cyclospora stain, Cystoisospora stain
See Modified Acid-Fast Smear for Parasites (Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora, and Cystoisospora Identification)
Diphtheriae Culture
Bacterial culture and identification of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. PCR for diphtheria toxin gene. You MUST call the lab at 319/335-4335 before sending.
E.coli O157 (STEC): Culture Independent Diagnostic Test Panel (PCR or EIA positive stool)
See Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) (O157): Culture Independent Diagnostic Test Panel (PCR or EIA positive stool)
Ehrlichia IgG Antibody Panel (HGA, HME)
Detection of IgG antibodies against Human Granulocytic Anaplasmosis (HGA) or Human Monocytic Ehrlichiosis (HME)
Enteric Pathogen Culture Panel
Stool culture panel to evaluate for suspected bacterial diarrhea.
Enteric Pathogen Culture Panel and Norovirus PCR
Stool culture panel to evaluate for suspected bacterial diarrhea and nucleic acid amplification by PCR to detect Norovirus RNA.
Enterovirus PCR
Nucleic acid amplification by PCR to detect Enterovirus RNA
Fungal Culture
Culture to evaluate for suspected fungal disease. This test is for submission of clinical specimens.
Fungal Isolate Identification
Fungal isolate identification. Methods may include biochemical, DNA probe, or sequencing.
Fungal serology
See Aspergillus Antibody Panel
See Neisseria gonorrhoeae Culture (test of cure)
H. influenzae Isolate Identification/Serotyping
See Reference Isolate Identification Panel (aerobic/microaerophilic)
Hepatitis A Virus
Detection of Hepatitis A Virus by real-time PCR.
Hepatitis B Surface Antibody
Qualitative and quantitative determination of antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen.
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen
Qualitative detection of hepatitis B surface antigen.
Hepatitis C Antibody
Qualitative determination of IgG antibodies to hepatitis C virus. Positive test results are confirmed with supplemental Hepatitis C RNA testing.
Hepatitis C Virus Quantitative
Hepatitis C Virus Detection and Quantification by NAAT
Herpes Simplex Virus Types 1, 2 and Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) PCR
Nucleic acid amplification by PCR to detect human Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) and Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV).
Histoplasma Antibody, Immunodiffusion
Detection of Histoplasma specific antibodies to determine active and/or past infection
HIV 1/2 Antibody Differentiation Supplemental
Confirmatory and differential test for the detection of HIV antibodies in patient serum
Screening test for the qualitative detection of HIV p24 antigen and antibodies to HIV-1 (Groups M and O) and HIV-2. Positive test results will be confirmed with a supplemental differentiation test.
HIV Ag/Ab and Treponema pallidum Ab (Syphilis w/ VDRL) Panel
HIV Ag/Ab: Screening test for the qualitative detection of HIV p24 antigen and antibodies to HIV-1 (Groups M and O) and HIV-2. Positive test results will be confirmed with a supplemental differentiation test. Treponema pallidum Antibody (Syphilis, with VDRL reflex): Treponemal assay for the qualitative determination of total antibodies to Treponema pallidum. In conjuction with non-treponemal laboratory tests and clinical findings, it may aid in the diagnosis of syphilis infection.
Influenza SARS-CoV-2 (Flu SC2) Multiplex
Nucleic acid amplification by Real-Time PCR to detect Influenza A and B and SARS-CoV-2 RNA
Interferon-Gamma Release Assay for Tuberculosis
See QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus
Legionella Culture Panel (includes DFA)
Bacterial culture and identification of Legionella pneumophila. Test also includes a DFA smear for Legionella serogroups 1-15.
Legionella Multiplex
Nucleic acid amplification by PCR to detect Legionella DNA.
Listeria Isolate Identification/Serotyping
See Reference Isolate Identification Panel (aerobic/microaerophilic)
Lyme Total Antibody First Tier Test
Detection of total IgG and IgM antibodies against Lyme disease
Malarial smear
See Blood Smear for Parasites
Maternal Screen ACHE
Not an orderable test. ACHE is a reflex test for a positive Maternal Screen NTD Amniotic Fluid.
Maternal Screen First Trimester
Screen for Down Syndrome and Trisomy 18 risks in the first trimester of pregnancy. Does not include AFP for Open Neural Tube Defect (NTD) screening.
Maternal Screen Integrated
Screen for risks of Down Syndrome, Trisomy 18, and Open Neural Tube Defect (NTD) using samples drawn during the first and second trimesters.
Maternal Screen Integrated Sample 1
First trimester sample of a 2-part test to screen for risks of Down Syndrome, Trisomy 18, and Open Neural Tube Defect (NTD).
Maternal Screen NTD Amniotic Fluid
Screen for Open Neural Tube Defect (NTD). Positive result reflexes to Maternal Screen ACHE test for confirmation.
Maternal Screen NTD Serum
Screen for risk of Open Neural Tube Defect (NTD).
Maternal Screen Quad
Screen for risks of Down syndrome, Trisomy 18, and Open Neural Tube Defect (NTD).
See Rubeola (Measles) IgG Antibody
Modified Acid-Fast Smear for Parasites (Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora, and Cystoisospora Identification)
Microscopic examination of Modified Acid Fast Stain for coccidian parasites.
Mpox Virus
The Mpox Virus, Real-Time PCR test is intended for the qualitative detection of mpox virus DNA using swabs from human pustular or vesicular rash specimens.
MTB Complex and Rifampin DNA
Nucleic acid amplification by Cepheid GeneXpert to detect M. tuberculosis complex and possible resistance to rifampicin treatment.
Mumps IgG Antibody
Detection of IgG antibodies against Mumps Virus
Mumps Virus PCR
Nucleic acid amplification by PCR to detect Mumps virus RNA
Mycobacterium species culture
See Acid Fast Bacillus Culture Panel (Mycobacterium tuberculosis Culture Panel)
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Nucleic acid amplification by PCR to detect Mycoplasma pneumoniae DNA
N. meningitidis Isolate Identification/Serotyping
See Reference Isolate Identification Panel (aerobic/microaerophilic)
Neisseria gonorrhoeae Culture
Bacterial culture using selective growth media to isolate Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Routine or Test of Cure.
Newborn Screen
Screening for certain genetic, endocrine, and metabolic disorders that can affect a child’s long-term health or survival. Early detection, diagnosis, and intervention can prevent death or disability and enable children to reach their full potential.
Nucleic acid amplification by PCR to detect Norovirus RNA
Norwalk virus
See Norovirus
Ova and Parasites (O&P) Exam Panel
Microscopic examination of concentrated sample and trichrome stain for the detection of ova and/or parasites from patient specimens. Travel history required to assist diagnosis.
Parasite Identification
Microscopic and macroscopic examination to identify parasite (larvae, worm).
Parasite Identification
See Arthropod Identification
Pinworm Examination
Microscopic examination of pinworm collection devices or scotch tape preps for pinworm identification.
Q-Fever (Coxiella burnetii) IgG Antibody, Phase I & II
Detection of IgG antibodies against Coxiella burnetii
QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus
Interferon gamma release assay to determine latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection
Rabies Virus - Animal Specimen
Fluorescent antibody detection of rabies virus in animal brain tissue. Submit animal specimen from possible or confirmed human exposure.
Rabies Virus - Human Specimen
Diagnosis of human rabies infection. Testing performed at CDC.
Reference Isolate Identification Panel (aerobic/microaerophilic)
Identification of unknown aerobic/microaerophilic isolate. Identification methods may include biochemical testing, spectrometry, and/or nucleic acid sequence analysis.
Reference Isolate Identification Panel (anaerobic)
Identification of unknown anaerobic isolate. Identification methods may include biochemical testing, spectrometry, and/or nucleic acid sequence analysis.
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (Rickettsia rickettsii) IgG Antibody
Detection of IgG antibodies against organisms of the appropriate Rickettsial antigen group
Rubeola (Measles) IgG Antibody
Detection of IgG antibodies against Rubeola virus (Measles)
S. pneumoniae Isolate Identification/Serotyping
See Reference Isolate Identification Panel (aerobic/microaerophilic)
Salmonella/Shigella culture
See Enteric Pathogen Culture Panel
Salmonella: Culture Independent Diagnostic Test (PCR or EIA positive stool)
Bacterial culture and identification of Salmonella species. For recovery of isolates to assist epidemiological investigations. This is not a confirmatory test.
Salmonella Exclusion Culture (Clearance for Childcare/School/Work)
Determine carrier status of affected individual. State of Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) approval required for submission.
Salmonella Isolate Identification/Serotyping
Determining the serogroup of Salmonella isolates to assist epidemiological investigations.
Sentinel Laboratory Response Network Rule Out
Rule out suspected high consequence pathogens including B. anthracis, Burkholderia, Brucella, F. tularensis, and Y. pestis.
Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) (O157): Culture Independent Diagnostic Test Panel (PCR or EIA positive stool)
Bacterial culture and identification of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) species. Used as a Culture Independent Diagnostic Test on a stool specimen that has been detected positive by PCR or EIA for STEC. It is used for the recovery of isolates to assist epidemiological investigations. This is not a confirmatory test.
Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) Exclusion Culture Panel (Clearance for Childcare/School/Work)
Determine carrier status of affected individual. State of Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) approval required for submission.
Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) (O157 and non-O157) Isolate Identification/Serotyping
Determining the serogroup of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) (O157 and non-O157) isolates to assist epidemiological investigations.
Shigella: Culture Independent Diagnostic Test (PCR or EIA positive stool)
Bacterial culture and identification of Shigella species. For recovery of isolates to assist epidemiological investigations. This is not a confirmatory test.
Shigella Exclusion Culture (Clearance for Childcare/School/Work)
Determine carrier status of affected individual. State of Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) approval required for submission.
Shigella Isolate Identification/Serotyping
Determining the serogroup of Shigella isolates to assist epidemiological investigations.
Syphilis TPPA
Treponema pallidum particle agglutination test (TP-PA). Confirmation test for a negative non-treponemal test method using the reverse syphilis testing algorithm.
Syphilis VDRL (CSF)
Initial screening test for syphilis for Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) samples. Titer given only when Syphilis VDRL test is positive.
TB culture
See Acid Fast Bacillus Culture Panel (Mycobacterium tuberculosis Culture Panel)
TB smear
See Acid Fast Bacillus Isolate Identification
Tick Borne Diseases
See Ehrlichia IgG Antibody Panel (HGA, HME)
Tick Identification
See Arthropod Identification
Treponema pallidum Antibody (Syphilis, no VDRL reflex)
This Treponemal assay is for the qualitative determination of total antibodies to Treponema pallidum. It is to be ordered for confirmation of a non-treponemal test performed by the submitter. In conjuction with non-treponemal laboratory tests and clinical findings, it may aid in the diagnosis of syphilis infection.
Treponema pallidum Antibody (Syphilis, with VDRL reflex)
This Treponemal assay is for the qualitative determination of total antibodies to Treponema pallidum. In conjuction with non-treponemal laboratory tests and clinical findings, it may aid in the diagnosis of syphilis infection.
Vibrio cholera: Culture Independent Diagnostic Test (PCR positive stool)
Bacterial culture and identification of Vibrio species. Used as a Culture Independent Diagnostic Test on a stool specimen that has been detected positive by PCR for Vibrio cholera. It is used for the recovery of isolates to assist epidemiological investigations. This is not a confirmatory test. Please call the lab at 319/335-4335 in advance.
Vibrio Culture
Bacterial culture and identification of Vibrio species. Please call the lab at 319/335-4335 in advance.
West Nile Virus IgM Antibody
Detection of IgM antibodies against West Nile Virus (active infection)
Whooping Cough Culture
See Bordetella pertussis
Yeast Isolate Identification Panel
Identification of Yeast organisms, including Candida and Cryptococcus, by MALDI-TOF Spectrometry.
Yersinia Culture
Bacterial culture and identification of Yersinia species.